Nevs announces factory in China – though it might not build a Saab

Patrick Ekstrand

Patrick Ekstrand

27 maj 2015

Swedish car company Nevs has secured two new joint owners, both Chinese, the electric vehicle manufacturer announced Wednesday. By establishing its second factory in the city of Tianjin, the company hopes to get a foothold in the Chinese market.

The announcement that Nevs has found strategic parters in Tianjin city’s Tianjin Binhai Hi-tech industrial Development Area (THT), and the Beijing State Research Information Technology Co., Ltd. (SRIT) came after months of speculations of Chinese companies taking a stake in the company.

Especially pleasing to Nevs is the fact that the authorities of Tianjin, a coastal city known for its automotive industry, has shown a great interest in thje EV industry by promoting the technology through consumer subsidies and official procurements.

It is however doubtful whether Saab cars will be produced in the new factory. According to a press release “The first car that will be produced in the plant in Tianjin is an electric vehicle based on Nevs’ technology.”

Commenting the partnership, Nevs president Mattias Bergman did not mention the manufacturing of vehicles branded Saab, but only outlined a broader vision for the future.

Nevs’ focus is to produce high quality electric vehicles with China as its initial main market. The long-term cooperation with the development area THT in Tianjin and the IT pioneer SRIT will help us achieve our vision and our goal of a global strategic presence,” Bergman said.

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